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Outstanding judgement for Avocet House!

Avocet House received a visit from Ofsted at the end of 2022. During the two days the inspectors were on site they soon realised staff were doing an amazing job. Avocet House was rated as outstanding and the following comments were made in the Ofsted report:

“Children thrive and have a strong sense of stability, and enjoy extremely fulfilling day-to-day experiences. This stability provides children with a secure base, enabling them to make exceptional progress from their starting points. The skilled and ambitious staff provide high-quality, individualised and nurturing support which significantly enhances children’s quality of life and future life chances.”

“Children have excellent support from staff to build their independence and daily living skills. Innovative approaches, including a well-devised achievement programme, are tailored to children’s individual milestones.”

“Staff ensure that children’s health needs are a high priority.”

Outstanding judgement

“Children feel safe and are kept safe by staff who understand the risks to them. There is a culture of high aspiration and regard among staff for every child. Mutually respectful and strong relationships with staff help the children to feel safe and unconditionally accepted.”

“Children are well prepared to live in a diverse society and are supported to understand people’s differences and needs.”

Read the full report below:
