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Recently at SES we updated our Portfolio of Need learning model for young people to a brand new way of thinking, it’s called My Journey.  Important areas to focus on for each young person have been divided into six sections, which include adults identifying and addressing gaps in early childhood development.  We are enabling this through various therapeutic approaches, one of them being Thrive.

It was agreed we would hold Thrive-based activities, specifically designed with each young person in mind, every Wednesday afternoon.  Our care team will work closely with teaching staff to ensure activities are varied and tailored for the young person’s needs.

The activities will be focussed on filling the gaps in their emotional development while addressing any troubling behaviours.  One of our young people is shown here filling a balloon with baked beans, working on cooperation, resilience, fun, problem solving and self-esteem.  He was very proud of his achievement and showed his completed effort to every adult on site!

Trying different techniques
Finished article

On Wednesday 20 December 2023 everyone from all four SES sites got together for the first ever community Christmas Fun Day.  This was an ambitious plan and it remained to be seen if the young people would be able to deal with so many people in one place at one time.

There were six different festive activities for each team to participate in, along with the presentation of termly commendations, hog roast for lunch, a disco at a local village hall and Secret Santa presents to hand round.

The disco was hosted by Clownaround Castles and included limbo dancing, a snowman game and a HUGE conga that snaked around the entire hall!

It was definitely a fun-filled day that was enjoyed by all the adults and young people. As the event was such a success it is likely to become a firm fixture in the SES calendar.

‘Dress someone up as a Christmas tree’ competition 🎄

Do you want to build a snowman?
Handmade Christmas cards
Limbo competition – how low can you go?

On Wednesday 29 November 2023 our intrepid explorer hosted two presentations to just under 70 people, all keen to hear how his trip to South Korea had gone.  He had spent two months producing the most amazing presentation of his whole Jamboree journey. 

The presentation lasted about 40 minutes and included a ‘Question time’ at the end. He hosted both events extremely well and received many compliments on his delivery and how he dealt with all the questions.

“The three Rotarians who attended the presentation were delighted with the way they were welcomed, and by the entire evening.  His presentation was excellent and his positivity shone through” Rotary President

“He spoke passionately about the impact scouting and the World Scout Jamboree had on him……he delivered his presentation with confidence and with a great sense of humour.  He would be a great role model for other care experience young people.” Norfolk Virtual School Advisor

Jobs fair

We would be delighted to see you at our stand located at the top of the terraces at Norwich City Football Club on Thursday 14 September. If you are considering a career with us it is an ideal place to make initial contact, learn more about the company and discuss your preferred role. We look forward to seeing you!

It’s been a good year for one of our young people, who has has not only nailed his Functional Skills Level 2 English (equivalent to a grade 4 GCSE pass), but has also passed his driving test on his first attempt!

He started driving in an off-road facility and, after only one lesson, was out on the road. He took 20 weekly lessons then an intensive four day course (another 20 hours). Needless to say, we are all super proud of him!

He drove very well and impressed the examiner (those were her words). He absolutely deserves his licence as he worked very hard and was always attentive. I have been instructing for over 30 years, but with him passing, it’s one of the most satisfying and rewarding courses I have done.

Driving instructor, M

He’s such a pleasant lad and it was a real pleasure to be part of his journey to becoming more independent ……… just really happy for him and so glad we could help

Driving instructor, L

Following an adventurous and unusual Jamboree, our intrepid Scout has returned home.  There were various issues encountered while in South Korea, as many will have seen reported in the media; they experienced flooding; extreme temperatures which led to issues with water and sanitation; reports of typhoon Khanun and a mass evacuation from the original site.  Fortunately there were contingency plans in place, but the Scouts and leaders had more than their fair share of potentially serious incidents to deal with. 

Despite the ups and downs he managed the whole three weeks, has had the adventure of his life and has met thousands of other Scouts from all around the world. He has taken part in many amazing cultural activities organised by both the Scout Association and the Korean authorities after they had to move back to Seoul. These weren’t always the activities they were expecting, but were enjoyable nonetheless!

Safe to say, it will be a trip he will never forget!

Dancing to K-pop
Helping to bang the gong

Following months of preparation and fund-raising, one of our young people excitedly departed the UK to join 40,000 scouts from all over the world as they gathered in South Korea for the 25th World Scout Jamboree.

Despite feeling a bit apprehensive about the huge journey ahead, and a few nerves about being away from home, he was packed and ready to set off to Norwich Airport in the early hours of the morning.

He arrived in good time and joined the other 40 local Scouts and Guides, they were quite a force and other passengers at the airport were not prepared for that much excitement so early in the morning!

SES staff had explained what he should expect at the airport and the various security procedures he would have to go through, although it was a bit surprising when his walking boots set off the metal detector!

The first stage of the journey was to fly to Amsterdam for a rather tedious wait for the next plane. We are all looking forward to finding out about the adventures he will have while in South Korea………..

Scout Jamboree
Spot the bright, white t-shirts…….

On a sunny day in July, five boys and five adults took part in Bubble Rush 2023 held at the Royal Norfolk Showground, Norwich.  They had to endure a 5km run through 4 bubble stations of various colours.

It was a fun day out that everyone enjoyed and raised £68 for East Anglian Children’s Hospices!

2023 saw the 5th annual ‘Attitude Festival’.  Held onsite at Turnstone House, full use was made of the fantastic grounds with many outdoor activities being enjoyed across the two day event.  The children could get involved in: kite flying, camp fire cooking, arts and crafts, relaxing in hammocks, face painting, henna tattoos, football matches, African drumming and fishing in one of the ponds.

On one evening a band ‘Local Foreigners’ arrived to entertain everybody with music and dancing.  Food was all enjoyed outside, with a visit from the ice cream van and meals prepared on the barbecue.

The impromptu campsite catered for nine children and fifteen adults with other visitors arriving across the two days.  It was another fantastic event with lots of chatting and laughing all round!